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Create a WiFi Hotspot Software


Turn your (Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10)   Laptop into a Wi-Fi Hotspot without using a Routers.

Create a WiFi Hotspot Software


  1. Right-click the program icon or shortcut, and then click run as administrator. 
    wifi hotspot
  2. Now give your network a name (e.g. SSID), then enter a password

    Wifi hotspot

  3. Press the “Windows + R” key combination to bring up a run box, type “ncpa.cpl” and
    click ok.

    wifi hotspot

  4. When your network connections open, right-click on your Internet network adapter and select “Properties” from the context menu.

    wifi hotspot

  5. Switch over to the “Sharing” tab and allow other devices to use your machine’s Internet by selecting the first checkbox and then select the Virtual Connection and unchecking the second checkbox before clicking on the OK button.

    wifi hotspot

  6. Now that you set up your PC to be able to emit wireless Internet, don’t throw out your router! A router is much faster than a PC hotspot. That being said, this is a cool alternative for times when you need wireless Internet in your house but don’t have access to a router.


Wifi hotspot


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File Description Date added File size Downloads
zip WIFI_Hostpot August 15, 2018 5:24 pm 2 MB 3085
Posted in Programs and Tools

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